Montessori with your 21-24 month old can be full of fun and action! Every month your child gains just a little bit more independence and their communication skills really start to blossom. Two very exciting things, not just for us parents, but for your child as well!

With more independence and communication comes more challenging activities, skills, and tasks. Providing your child with these new challenges will be what creates your child’s lifelong love of learning.



Montessori with your 21-24 month old.

If something seems too difficult for your child go back to previous Montessori By Age articles listed below to look at easier activities. This will be a big help with any frustrations they may be expressing.

Check out Montessori for 18-21-month-olds here.

Click here to check out Montessori for 15-18 months.

As a reminder, these activities and material suggestions are just starting points. Don’t expect your child to be able to do all of these things on the first try. This is just an age-appropriate time to begin working on mastering these suggested activities.


Montessori with your 21-24 month old



Montessori with your 21-24 month old.

Preparing your environment is something that constantly needs to be evaluated as your child grows through different developmental stages. This will help support your child’s independence and through his/her sensitive periods.

There are 4 main areas you can focus on when preparing your home:

  1. Area for Movement
  2. Area for Sleep
  3. Area for Feeding
  4. Area for Physical Care

Creating distraction free spaces for your child’s independence to grow should be the number one objective to preparing your environment.  You can read more about preparing your home environment by clicking here.



Montessori with your 21-24 month old.


When working with materials in your home you always want to be guiding your child to follow the Montessori work cycle. This is the action of taking a material off the shelf, working with it, and then returning it to the shelf. Keeping a clean and neat environment will help your child to better concentrate on their materials.

Knowing which Montessori materials to use at home can be discovered by observing your child. Most materials are suggested for a wide range of toddlers so it really does depend on the child. If your child is interested in puzzles, start there. Shapes? Start there. Colors? Start there.

Using an educational program such as Monti Kids will be of great help. This program is designed to take the guesswork out of finding Montessori materials suitable for your toddler.

Learn more about Monti Kids and how they can help you find age-appropriate Montessori materials. Just click here and use code HOLLY60 to get $60 off your first order.


Here are just a few materials your 21-24 month old may be interested in:

  • Clothes Pins
  • Measuring Cups
  • Climbing Dome
  • Threading Kit
  • Wooden Discs
  • Screw Block Set
  • Horizontal Dowel Toy
  • Large Foam Blocks
  • Easel
  • Xylophone
  • Books



Montessori with your 21-24 month old.

At this age your child is likely to be gaining an interest in everything around them. Engaging in activities with your child is going to be much more fun now that they are communicating just a little bit better.

Trying some card to card matching or object to card matching games will likely bring joy and a sense of pride to your child. It is easy to forget not to overpraise your child but letting them continue to concentrate is much more important than giving them a big hug and saying “You did it!” Try calmly saying, “That is correct, where does the next card go?”

Also, try not to correct the child when they are concentrating. It is suggested to wait until they are finished and then model the correct way to use the material again.  Continue to present and model the activity to them each time until they correctly use the item.

Throwing and getting frustrated is a toddler’s way of communicating that a task is too difficult or too easy. If your child continues to get upset with an activity it is best to take it out of rotation and bring it back out at a later date.

Here are some activities your 21-24 month old may enjoy:

  • 6 PC Puzzle
  • Using Climbing Dome
  • Threading W/Big Beads
  • Playing Ice Excavation
  • Painting on Easel
  • Playing Hand Drum
  • Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
  • Listening Walks
  • Card to Card Matching
  • Rock Formations
  • Go on a Leaf Hunt
  • Print Art Painting



Montessori with your 21-24 month old.

Practical life activities are such a big part of your toddlers’ life right now helping to promote sensorial exploration, language development, and independence. Supporting your child in there quest for independence can be hard but with practical life activities, you can feel good about enabling them to do tasks on their own.

 Practical life can be done in the kitchen, bathroom, outside, and just about anywhere in the home! Start to introduce practical life activities to your child by first observing your child’s interests. Present the activity to your child remembering to practice beforehand. Starting with one activity and building more and more.

Start by trying one of these practical life activities for Montessori with your 21-24 month old:

  • Planting Seeds
  • Setting Table
  • Use an Apple Slicer
  • Hang Clothes to Dry
  • Restock Toilet Paper
  • Arrange Bookshelf
  • Blow Nose
  • Putting Lotion On
  • Folding Washcloths
  • Washing Hair
  • Help Peel Carrots
  • Help Peel Potatoes



Montessori with your 21-24 month old.

Maria Montessori identifies sensitive periods in development as the child’s absorbent mind (age 0 – 6 years). Follow your child’s lead for his/her cues of sensitive periods beginning. Try not to underestimate your child’s ability or work. If he/she is doing certain work over and over, they are probably in their sensitive period for that work/task.

Here’s a list of sensitive periods your child may be experiencing at this age:

  • Movement Birth-6 Years
    • Gross & Fine Motor Development Birth-2.5 Years
  • Language Birth-6 Years
  • Sensory Skills Birth-5 Years
    • Small Objects 1 Year – 3.5 Years
    • Refinement of Senses 2 Years – 6 Years
  • Emotional Control Birth-2.5 Years
  • Order 1 Year – 3.5 Years
  • Music 2 Years- 6 Years

Learn more about sensitive periods and how they affect your child by clicking here.

Remember that each child is unique and these sensitive periods do not ALWAYS happen between the time frames given. Some children go through them earlier and some later. Follow your child’s lead. 


Ready to take the next step into Montessori living? Join us in The Montessori Learning Center to learn everything you need to know about Montessori with your 21-24 month old! Click the image below to learn more.



What questions do you have about Montessori with your 21-24 month old? Leave a comment below so I can help you get started with your Montessori journey!


Disclaimer: This isn’t the end all be all for Montessori with your 21-24 month old. Montessori is largely based on following your child’s lead, knowing that every child is unique, there can not be one set standard for every child.  Use this information as it suits your child.



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Shelby Reply

Hi Colleen my son just turned 2 and alothough he goes to a home daycare I want to do daily activities at home. Do you have a guided program I can buy?

    Holly Reply

    Hi Shelby,
    That is great that you want to create a Montessori home and do more activities there. We do have a guided program called the Montessori Learning Center. You can learn more about it here:
    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
    Holly xx

Carito Reply

Can you tell me what are the tools you use for the ice excavation that are safe for a 2 yr old? What do you use for the activity of the rock formation and scavenger hunt? Can you explain a little further the listening walks? Thank you

    Colleen H Reply

    For ice excavation tools, I’d encourage you to get creative with what you have around your house keeping your particular child and their skills in mind. I’ve seem some use golf tees and wooden mallets that belonged to another toy, meat tenderizers, squeeze bottles filled with warm water, pipettes and bowl of warm water, small screw drivers, etc..
    Scavenger hunts can be anything, honestly. You can go on a hunt for yellow items, leaves, animals, shapes. You can make a picture list ahead of time with items they can find and cross off. There is no limit here!
    A listening walk is simply a walk where the purpose is listening to all the sounds around you; feet hitting the ground, wind rustling through the trees, a neighbors music.
    TTL Team Member

Mallerie Reply

I see you have mentioned emotional control. Do you have any further reading suggestions for this in particular? Also, at 21-24 months of age, how can I encourage more independence in my child? Thank you.

    Colleen H Reply


    The emotional control aspect is easiest witnessed with a child communicating with their caregivers and having their needs met. Every time a baby cries and their caregiver picks them up and soothes them, they are strengthening the neural pathway for emotional control. Babies who are left to cry for long periods of time on the other hand, often grow into children with little self control.

    As far as fostering independence, this post may be what you are looking for!

    TTL Team Member

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