Are you ready to create a Montessori friendly home but have no idea where to start?
You’re not alone, a lot of parents put off getting started with Montessori because they can’t find the time, they don’t know where to start, or they have too much to do.
In this article, you’ll learn how to use decluttering to get started with Montessori today!
Using the Montessori Quick Start Action Plan (download below!) we are going to work through each area of your home to create your Montessori friendly home!
Alright, if you’ve got your action plan then let’s get started!
Creating all these new environments in your home is bound to take some time. Give yourself some grace and don’t take on too much at one time. I suggest working on one room at a time in the order above!
If you’ve already made over your home to be a Montessori friendly home I would love to hear about it in the comments!
Ready to really dive into the Montessori way of life and get more tips on creating a Montessori friendly home? Check out The Montessori Learning Center and bring more Montessori into your home today!
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