If you have a child then there is one thing that you can be sure of, you will at some point have to teach your child about using the toilet. In Montessori, we call this toilet learning.

There are some very big signs you can pick up on if you know when and what to look for. That is exactly what we will be talking about today!


Is it time for toilet learning with your child?


Is It Time For Toilet Learning?

There are a few things you need to think about before you even start looking for signs of readiness.

  1. The child’s sphincter muscle must be fully myelinated. This happens usually between 13-18 months.
  2. Psychologically, the child must be mature enough to understand what the process of going to the bathroom is.
  3. Parents, you must be psychologically ready too!


Signs of a Child’s Psychological Readiness

There are some tell-tell signs when it comes to toilet learning and being able to notice these and jump on the opportunity is crucial to getting started!

  1. Your child may point to their diaper.

  2. Your child may “hide” when having a bowel movement.

  3. They may try to pull off their diaper.

  4. Showing interest in the toileting area.

  5. Your child’s diaper may be staying dryer for longer periods of time.

If your child is showing any of the signs above it may be time to start toilet learning! Remember, as with everything Montessori, observe and follow your child’s lead!


If you think you and your child might be ready you can learn how to enroll in our upcoming Toilet Learning Workshop by joining the waitlist here.


Is your child showing signs of toilet readiness? Maybe you already have a child who has toilet independence? Let us know in the comments below we would love to know where you are at and what your experience has been!


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