How to Transform Your Toddler-Tornado Swept Home into a Peaceful, Playful Oasis!
(without scouring Pinterest, buying #allthethings or expensive toys!)
April 24th - April 27th 2023
During this challenge we will walk you through small changes that create HUGE benefits like knowing exactly which toys your child will play with for longer periods of time!
Imagine what you could do with 30 extra minutes of free time!
We will take your main living space from overwhelmed, cluttered, and unorganized to a beautifully prepared area for your child to flourish in.
Don't worry - you don't need #allthethings, OR expensive materials, OR a million Pinterest ideas!
All you need to do is show up ready to make a few small changes to transform your home!
Enter your details below and get ready to be amazed at the end of our 4 days!
(Pssst... there's a lifetime scholarship to the Montessori Learning Center to be won! )
Thousands of Moms have already joined us!
See what some of them have to say...
Who am I?
And just who am I? I'm Rachel, a former high school teacher but now an education consultant for modern day parents, using step by step guides to bring Montessori into more homes. I am passionate about helping parents bring Montessori into their homes by providing the support and training to get started quickly and easily.
Enter your details below to join us!
We start on April 24th
Copyright 2023 by This Toddler Life