Pinterest, Google, TikTok, Insta they’re all full of BEAUTIFULLY curated Montessori spaces. But what about affordable Montessori?
Of course, these are great places to turn for some inspiration, but for some of us, these picture perfect Montessori set-ups can be a bit overwhelming. Which is exactly why I wanted to give you four easy ways to begin practicing Montessori at home. Without breaking the bank!
So sit back, grab a cup of tea and watch the video below. Or just keep reading.
The idea of trying to recreate some of those gorgeous, brightly lit rooms. Well-manicured with matching furniture. It can all be a little intimidating. You may even begin asking yourself if you can even practice Montessori if you can’t achieve these beautiful set-ups.
Well, spoiler alert: YOU CAN!
You don’t need to be buying #allofthethings to be Montessori aligned. That’s not to say that the wooden toys aren’t beneficial. There are some absolutely amazing Montessori resources out there. And it may well be that you’re saving up for that Pickler Triangle, or the blocks etc. In which case, if you’re saving up for those things, that’s great! I’m not here to criticize anyone who has managed to recreate those well-manicured environments. But I’m mostly here to let you know that Montessori CAN be affordable and you don’t need material things to be Montessori aligned.
Maria Montessori didn’t develop her ideas and principles based on the ideas that you would be able to need to afford them. In fact, she mainly worked with children who were living in poverty. Montessori as a concept has become very commercialized over the years.
What is a Montessori mindset? Well, if you think about the key principles of Montessori, they’re about:
None of those things need money. You don’t need to spend money to develop a Montessori mindset. Now, sometimes it’s easier said than done. You may need to take a deep breath and recenter, but you can bring Montessori principles into your everyday family life through simply adjusting your mindset.
These three principles really all tie into one another. When we respect our child and build a connection with them, we come down to their level. We give them time to respond when you do speak with them. Allowing them to initiate conversations. Don’t be afraid of silence. It gives your child a chance to initiate conversation. Silence also allows you to observe and follow your child. You can learn more about what THEY’RE interested in. What they want to do today.
These form a huge part of Montessori. Especially Montessori at home. When you’re doing the laundry, cleaning up, etc. either bring those things down to your child’s level. Or bring your child up to your level in order to accomplish these things.
For example, if you’re washing up, get a learning tower, or even an affordable, safe place for your child to wash with you. Your child can help sweep, help with the laundry, help them brush their teeth. Basically, anything you do on a daily basis is an opportunity for your child to learn.
Of course we want beautiful spaces for our children. But, it’s not the beauty of the space that’s the number one priority. The number one priority is that it functions well for your child.
This means, that everything should be at a low level, easily accessible by your child. It could mean baskets on the floor. Or, it may mean cardboard boxes with tops cut off, next to one another with toys separated into different areas. If you do have low-level shelving that’s great! Maybe you even have a piece of furniture already in your home that you can repurpose.
I would also recommend that you create a lovely calm-space within the family area. You don’t have to run out and buy anything new. Instead, simply repurpose blankets, cushions, pillows, throws, etc. that you already have at home. You may even want to include books in this area.
Using art that your child has previously created, placed at eye-level is a great way for your child to have a sense of ownership over their area. They’re surrounded by beautiful artwork that’s created by them. You’re reflecting their work straight back at them. Often we love to put our children’s artwork on the fridge or on cute hangers in the house. But placing artwork where they can see it has many benefits.
The same could be said for anything your child has collected. If they’ve collected shells, sticks, or even rocks from a recent walk these could make great decorations within their prepared space.
There are lots of buying and selling Facebook groups for Montessori materials. You can pick up pre-loved pieces at a fraction of the cost! Usually the items on these pages have been loved in other Montessori homes and their children have simply outgrown them.
Thrifts stores are great, as well as Ikea. Especially when it comes to child-sized furniture at an affordable price. One thing that I did early on in my Montessori journey, was that I would often ask for Montessori aligned items for Holidays for myself. Of course, I would put them on my children’s lists as well, but having them on multiple lists made it more likely that we would receive the items we had been hoping for.
I’d love to know in the comment section below; What are some ways you’ve made practicing Montessori at home affordable? Perhaps we can learn more from one another!
And of course, if you’re interested in a step-by-step guide to practicing Montessori at home in an affordable way be sure to join our world-famous 4 Days to a Montessori Home Challenge. Not only will I be teaching you how to practice Montessori at home, without breaking the bank. We’ll also be giving one lucky participant a FULL scholarship to The Montessori Learning Center. (Everything you need to practice Montessori at home without the overwhelm!) We start August 22, so be sure to tap here and get signed up today!